Heart Of Ancient Mysts

Blessings and Prayers

~*~Witches Prayer~*~
Father, Mother, all that is sacred, be your many names. The time has come, Our will be done, on Earth to create heaven.
Give us every day your love and strength, as we forgive ourselves and others. Help us to see our truth as we help others to see theirs. In love, deliver us upon our path to Divinity, with light, guide us through the sacred Darkness.
So that we may see beyond the Veil.
For I am: the creator, the Power and the Glory.
Forever. So Mote it Be.

~*~ Wiccan Rede~*~
Simple: 'And it harm none, do what ye will'
Bide the wiccan law ye must
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill:
An' ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee
So ever mind the Law of Three
follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet and merry ye part.

~*~ Quotes~*~
"As it was in the beginning, it is now, and ever shall be."

"Perhaps the day will come when people of different ways, can live together without accusing each other of abominations."

~*~ So Mote It Be~*~
We should learn from the Earth's
Most patient teachers
That religious tolerance
Be one of our features
In all human hearts
Have this light shine
Let us all welcome it.
Through spirit, body and mind
Water it and nurture it.
Let it continue to grow.
So suffering and loneliness
No longer will know
For what you send out.
Returns to thee times three.
This is my will.
So mote it Be!

Military Pagan Blessing

Powers of the Ancient Ways,
In this place far from my home and my family,
I honor you and call upon you.

Powers of Earth,
Strengthen my physical body and the bodies of my peers and commanders.

Powers of Air,
Keep me vigilant at my post,
My mind clear and sharp.

Powers of Fire,
Give me courage,
Even when my duty is hard or bitter.

Powers of Water,
Grant me restful slumber and good dreams after a long duty day.

Powers of Spirit,
Balance me in honor, nobility, and spiritual purpose.

Powers of Goddess & God & Their Unity,
Be with me & around me, bless me & protect me as I carry out my mission.
So Mote It Be.

So Mote It Be

We should learn from the Earth's
Most patient teachers
that religious tolerance
Be one of our features.
In all human hearts
Have this light shine.
Let us all welcome it
Through spirit, body, and mind.
Water it and nurture it.
Let it continue to grow.
So suffering and loneliness
No longer will know.
For what you send out,
Returns to thee times three.
This is my will
So, mote it be!

Bedtime Blessing

In the still of the night
While the world around me sleeps
May the angels smile upon me
And the Lady bring me peace.
Blessings upon (list those whom you would like to remember in your prayers)
I know that You will care for them
And bring them what you need.
Instill in me great harmony
In thought and word and deed.
So mote it be.

Gift Blessing

*hold the gift in your hands. (you can empower cards in this same way)
Take a deep breath, slowly in and out. Visualize the object glowing with white light. Connect your mind to Spirit and try to think of nothing else. Imagine the gift capturing the pure perfection of the universe. Then say:

Perfect love and perfect peace
The world will dance as one
I dream the wish to make it real
The magick now is done.

*seal your work by drawing an equal arm cross (+) in the air over the object.
Meal Blessings

The table round contains the Earth
And thus becomes the Mother
We share her bounty in this hour
And bless and love each other
So mote it be.

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