Heart Of Ancient Mysts

~Casting a Circle~

Casting a can be something as simple as sending your energy out from your body to drawing the circle with physical attributes.  For different rituals you cast your circle differently, but here we are discussing a circle of power or energy from within yourself. 
Stand upright with your hands outstretched using your wand and athame as energy directors or just using your hands outstretched (sometimes the self is the most powerful of all magickal tools). Take three deep breaths and as you slowly let it out imagine a great white light of power drawing from deep within you and surrounding you. On the third deep breath, hold it a moment and imagine the Goddess embracing you with Her power.
When you are finished breathing, recite this rhyme:

I cast you now, O Circle of Power
I conjure your magick to grow and tower
Dividing the world of mundanity from
The world of Ancients and mighty Ones
The space where all magick lives and breathes
Where time and place and mundanity cease
Between the worlds, the Circle is cast--
Meeting as one with Present, Future and Past
The Old ones and Young ones join the night and day
And all that's mundane is now swept away.
All Merry meet, suspended in time,
The Circle is bound by the words of this rhyme.

Now you are ready to do your ritual, speak to the Elders, or even just meditate. Remember you must cut the doorway should you want to leave the circle during a ritual or have someone or something join you. All tools must be consecrated before entering a sacred space or circle.

Also remember to release the circle when ritual is done by chanting this rhyme:

The Circle, though open, remains unbroken
It remains to protect from all that's unspoken
In Perfect love and Perfect Trust
We leave now to do the things that we must
Merry we meet, and now Merry we part
Until we meet again with joy in our hearts.

The rite is now ended and I go in love--
With thanks to the Lord and Lady above
With thanks to the Elements and all Others too--
Merry part and farewell and bright blessings to You.

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