Heart Of Ancient Mysts

Saying goodbye can never be easy. This page is not saying goodbye to you the reader but a way to help you deal with the passing of a loved one.  I, like many of you, have lost friends, family members, pets and I have found a way to help release my pain, anger, all the emotions that go along with loss with a simple ritual. 

Recently a friend lost her beloved pet bird. Her feathered friend had given her lots of joy and love. When she told me of her loss, I immediately knew how to help her. I went outside and said a prayer to the wind and tossed some birdseed to help the lil one as it crossed into the next lifetime.

When my children lost their father, I had them each write a letter to him. They then folded it and put it in my cauldron. Together we lit the flames to the letters and let them burn to ash. We then let them cool before taking them outside to toss the ashes to the wind, saying good bye as we did so.

Another way of saying good bye is a common one. We light candles for the passing of loved ones by naming the candle by the name of that person that passed. Usually its a white candle but any color will do as long as it has some significance to the person, such as their favorite color, or a spiritual color such as lavendar.  Let it burn until either it burns out or until night fall. Do not blow it out but instead snuff it out. Say your goodbyes and then walk away from it. Its a great way of getting rid of sorrow and adds closure for you.

On Jan 6, 2017 I lost my daughter. Her liver failed after fighting with alcoholism for a few years. Nothing and I repeat NOTHING can prepare you for that. Nor can any one magical cure help with the heartache of losing a child. I have been unable to ground or center myself since, nor can I meditate without feeling the tears slide down my cheeks. If anyone out there is reading this and knows of a way, please send me a message. I seem to have lost my way.

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