Heart Of Ancient Mysts

Meditating can be a very simple project with an amazingly complex outcome. Meditation is a great way of opening your mind or simply a way to relax. It is a great way to relieve stress and has been known to help with many medical conditions. It is NOT to be used to solve medical issues. I HIGHLY recommend you seeking professional help if necessary. Meditating is very simple. You can do this laying down or sitting down in a comfortable position. I personally find sitting on the floor, cross legged (or as school children are taught, Indian fashion), my hands, palms down on my knees, back straight to be the most comfortable position for meditation. You may find something different comfortable. When you feel you can fully relax, then that's the position you want to be in to meditate and open your mind. Close your eyes. Start by taking three deep breathes and letting them out. With each breath, relax your body. Resume breathing slowly, relaxing more each breath. Begin by counting backwards slowly from 100. I find it helpful to meditate by imagining that I'm walking up a great white staircase. You may find it helpful to imagine being at the beach and hearing the waves crashing against the shore or anything else that helps you to relax. The point is to relax your entire body and open your mind.


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