Heart Of Ancient Mysts

~The Winds~

Winds blown cold and winds blown warm
Gentle breezes with their charm
Stormy gales and hot winds too,
Work their magic just for you.
For new beginnings, try the East.
Write rituals until its ceased
The South, its true, can bring romance
So cast off fears and take a chance
The cleansing West wind sooths and heals
It ties loose ends and clenches deals
Use the North to clear the head.
To pad pockets and control the stead
Watch the wind and how it blows
Use its power as it flows
to send your magick on the way
In its breezy, dancing play.


This poem is used to remember which way to face or to spread ashes when doing ritual.
There is no need to memorize it but its a great way to remember it for ritual.

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