Heart Of Ancient Mysts

Through the Eyes of a Pagan Lesbian
by mira

In the beauty of the Goddess my soul was created
In the purity of her world I live my life.
I walk the grass of green and hear her call
I hear the waters whisper at the mouth of the river
The fruit of the Earth I gather in praise
I believe in nature
I have learned to love
I am safe and I am whole
I am at peace with who I am.
The Maiden, Mother and Crone bless me in my life
They look down and smile upon me in my life
My life is bountiful and I am at peace
Through the love of the Three they have given me so many gifts
But most important of all
They have taught me to love and given me a wife
A woman like me pure in heart
She guides me and teaches me
everyday lessons which I will forever cherish
Through her love and guidance I am whole.
It was the Goddess that brought her to me.
She is the greatest gift I could ever ask for.
It is my right as a human given by the Goddess to be happy and whole
I am just that and I will forever be
for I have the love of the Goddess
And the love of a woman to help guide me

for a little while
by rane

The rain slides down my windows
Silence but the soft beat on the radio
A thousand tears have fallen
A million more to go.
Thoughts run rabid
Like a disease clouding my heart
clouds, rain, thunder
and it has nothing to do with the weather
the fight has gone out of me
I surrender and bring the bottle to my lips
For a little while I don't have to be me
For a little while I'm not afraid
For a little while I can forget
For a little while....

Salted Rain
by rane

Dark clouds dancing across the sky
Water beating against the rocks
Tickling my bare feet with the cold
The breeze brushes soft across my skin
much like a lover's touch
the raindrops fall on the water
but I don't notice them
I flick my tongue across my lips
Tasting salt that dries them out.
When did rain drops taste like salt?

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