Heart Of Ancient Mysts

Invocation of the Goddess
The goddess, also known as the triple goddess to represent all aspects of life is one of the deities i worship. She is known as the maiden (representing youth) the witch ( the mother or middle age) and the Crone (a wise old woman that can teach you many things). She is mother to us all and represented by the Moon. She rules the night while the God rules the sun and day light hours.
She is also known as "The Lady" and is the female essence of the All. She is the nurturing part, the essence of motherhood. She is there to love us, shield us, help us to learn and to grow. She is the one you'd call on for female spirituality because she understands the pain of childbirth, nurtures our spirits and our bodies and encourages growth and connection within the family. The goddess is in everything and is everywhere. She is not some force that looks down on us from above. The goddess dwells in every single thing... in every rock, in every cat, in every drop of rain. and inside you.
Invocations can be simple and quick or they can be long winded. I have posted two different kinds here to show you how different yet the same these can be.*

I call thee down,
O' my great Queen
to enter my body
and commune with my spirit

Be with me now,
As I fulfill my destiny
and work magick
in accordance with your will,
So Mote It Be!


O Goddess of both Moon and Star
Who rules all planets near and far
Who rules the Earth and all within
Who sets the time our lives begin
Who brings us happiness and mirth
Who gives us value and self-worth
With every loving touch She gives
Unto this plane on which we live
Please descend now from above
And touch this Circle with Your love
And join us in this sacred rite
O Goddess, bring your love and light

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