Heart Of Ancient Mysts

Your Alter… A Season of Change

First, the alter is YOUR own personal space. There is no right or wrong way to set it up because only you know what feels and looks right. It is your personal space to connect you to the Gods or Goddesses you worship. There are, however a few basics that can help you set up your alter. Remember, you don't need to run out to the latest New Age or Metaphysical store to gather everything at once. Use your instinct when buying tools. Buy only things that "scream" at you or "call" to you.
Let me explain…
Have you ever been to a bookstore and you think you are only looking, not for anything in particular. You walk up and down the aisles but either you keep going back to one particular book or that same book keeps showing up in other areas, you just keep seeing it over and over? That's your instincts telling you to buy it.  It's "SCREAMING" at you.
The basic items MOST alters (mind you I did say each alter is personal and YOU must choose what goes on it) are equipped with the following things. Mind you these are BASICS and you can add or take away what feels right to you.
*black candle
*white candle
*alter pentacle
*representatives of the elements (ie: air=feather, candles are already present for fire, a dish of salt for earth, a dish of water for water)
*something to represent your patron deity or primary god or goddess (statues, pictures or something that deity represents)

The Basic alter can be anything you choose. It can be the top of a dresser, a small table,  a shelf… the list is endless. Some may want something hidden, some may want it out as part of their lifestyle, blending in with their décor.

You can change the alter to match the seasons, the holidays, the combinations are unimaginable. Its all up to you. Like I said this is a personal choice of yours. It all depends on you. Just remember to be safe with the candles and place everything on firesafe dishes..

*An Alter Blessing*
I bless you now that you may aid
The energy flow as magic is made
I cast out negative energy
Leaving only positive to live and breathe
Within you as we start this rite
Blessed be in joy and love and light.
Blessed be, O Creatures of Light
Tools now of magic with power and light


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