Heart Of Ancient Mysts

The Magic of Colors

Life is not black and white, it is full of color. Color has a special meaning and  even special qualities. When you look at certain colors, they make you think of certain things. If you look at green you think of grass or trees. If you look at red you think of love. If you look at blue you might think of water or the sky.
i have always said, the difference between life and living is the color of your rainbow. do you see life in black and white or in color? something to think about...

Witches use many different means to enhance their magick. Some are as simple as selecting the color of the object you will work with, or getting dressed in special clothes for a ritual or occasion. Others involve a little more knowledge and understanding of magickal correspondences.

Because our ability to perceive colors is dependent upon the light waves that bounce off objects, colors really do have their own energies. The energy of each color, or its light wave vibration, has an affect on the human body. Colors have been scientifically proven to affect our moods and to aid in healing. In magick, colors help you fine-tune your intent, focus your energy and help your magick work.

You can use colors in every aspect of magick. To use the energy of colors in your magick you simply select the object (candles, powders, material or string) of a color appropriate to the work you plan to do.

Colors have many associations. Some of your own associations about a given color will be purely personal. Maybe you dislike green because, as a child, you were forced to wear and ugly, green dress or shirt that you hated. Even so, if you listed all the thoughts and images that occur to you about green, you would probably write down "money" as one of your thoughts.

** Remember that color is a tool to help you define your intent. If you can't decide what color is right for your intent,substitute white for the color you can't find or reproduce. Your intentions are more important than the actual hue of the object. You don't want to become an obsessed perfectionist about your magick.**

Black      Divination, banishing,absorbing negative energy, protection, binding

Blue         Truth, tranquility, protection,  hope, honor, change, psychic ability

Brown      Stability, integrity, justice, sensuality, endurance, animals, concentration, grounding

Gold         The God, Vitality, strength, success, action, courage, confidence

Gray         Vision, neutrality, absorbs negativity

Green      Abundance, growth, healing, prosperity, fertility, employment, luck, jealousy

Indigo       Insight, vision, change, flexibility, psychic abilities

Magenta   Intuition, change, spiritual healing, vitality

Orange      Courage, pride, ambition, enthusiasm, energy, friendship, communication, success,  opportunities

Pink            Compassion, tenderness, harmony, affection, love, romance, spiritual healing

Purple      growth, self-esteem, psychic ability, insight, inspiration, spirituality, success in  business

Red            Sexual love, lust, passion, fire, willpower, courage, energy, strength, anger

Silver         The Goddess, spiritual truth, intuition, receptivity, psychic ability, stability, balance

Turquoise   Creativity, discipline, self-knowledge, honor, idealism

Violet         Success, intuition, self-improvement, spiritual awareness

White         Cleansing, peace, protection, healing, truth, divination, tranquility, (white can also be used in place of any other color)

Yellow      Joy, vitality, intelligence, study, persuasion, charm, creativity, communication
for example....
If your loathing for green is so strong that it does not mean abundance, etc,  then you don't have to use it for those purposes.Say you are working on a spell with candle magick to get a new job that you will get more money and you hate green. You could use a purple candle for growth and success in business, an orange candle for success and opportunities, or a white candle, which can substitute any color. Or you could pick the color of your candle based    on your own preferences and personal associations that say money to you. The point is to do what works for you.  Intent is the key to most spells.

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