Heart Of Ancient Mysts

Grounding and Centering

Grounding is a way of connecting the witch in you back to where you belong, the Earth.  It's actually very simple to ground yourself, bring yourself back down to earth. You simply sit as close to the ground as possible… the floor, the ground, a tree stump if one is handy.  Relax your body and close your eyes. Slowly take 3 very deep breathes. As you let them out, imagine your body is a tree and the part of your body touching closest to the ground beginning to take root. Feel your roots reaching down into the rich soil of the earth, reaching far below.  Allow yourself some time to meditate; enjoying the connection you have with the Earth.

Centering allows you to feel at one with the Universe. In your meditation stance, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Imagine your energy is merging with everything around you.  Allow the sights and sounds around you to pass through you, like you are floating on a magickal pool. Concentrate on your solar plexus area. Imagine a great white light starting there, spreading out slightly with each breath you expel. When it reaches outside of your body allow yourself to feel at one with the Universe. You are now ready to begin any ritual or magick.

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